Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Show Report- September

In September, we only had one craft show and one gallery show. 

Indie Craft Parade is a indie show in Greenville, SC.  We were really thrilled to be accepted this year since they are very selective.  The show is run excellently, with music, food, wine, gourmet coffee, and amazing talent.  The organizers were all very nice and helpful, and we enjoyed the show a lot.  They had a VIP ticket holder night on Friday, which we thought was a great idea to draw interest.  The rest of the weekend it was pretty busy.  We had heard that this was a big money making show the last time they ran it, so I think we had our expectations high.  We did well there, but didn't hit our goal for the weekend.
The biggest thing that bothered us at this show was that we had to apply in two categories: one for art and one for the plushies.  We got judged in each category, and they only accepted the art work, so we had to leave half our inventory at home.  I think that hurt our sales a bit.  Regardless, we hope to be back next year with ALL our stuff!

On Sept. 17, we did a one night gallery showing at Cafe Chartier/The Watershed in Lexington, SC.  The Chartiers are a wonderful couple who let us come in and take over the space with all of our artwork.  Throughout the night, they provided awesome treats like sopapilla cheesecake danish and italian sodas.  It was a fun event with a pretty good turnout and we hope to do another one soon.