Friday, May 20, 2011

Show Report- The World's 2nd Most Awesome Art Show

The World's 2nd Most Awesome Art show is in Louisville, KY.  This was only their second year doing this show, but honestly, with a name like that, we took the risk of traveling all that way.  And it paid off!


April 1-3
Cost of table: $75
Juried: yes
Tables/chairs provided: no
Indoor/outdoor: indoor
Attendance: 2000
Profit: high

-A great variety of artists.  painters, graffiti artists, digital artists, mixed media, jewelry, plush makers, clothing and accessories, sculptures, even a confectioner.  Pretty much a bit of everything

-Everyone there was a really high quality artist.  It was amazing how many great people were together in one space. Some might worry this would add to the level of competition, but we feel like when everyone is really good, it raises the caliber of the entire show.

-Another great thing about the artists there was that everyone had a cohesive style.  The jurying team did a really fantastic job, because no one looked out of place.  We all meshed really well together, which is something that a lot of shows can't seem to get right.  This also helped the "mood" of the show, because people knew that this was a hip show right when they walked in the door.

-The show was 3 days, and the first day coincided with "First Friday", a gallery hop in Louisville.  Apparently they have trolleys that take people from gallery to gallery.  It was great to get all the traffic from that.

-There was a lot of gallery owner support.  We must have had 5 different gallery owners talk to us about putting our stuff in a gallery, and we were actually able to put some pieces in Revelry Gallery while we were in town.  

-The staff was incredible.  They did so many nice things for the vendors, such as having coffee and donuts in the morning and letting everyone bring in a playlist of music to play during the show.  They even gathered us all together before Sunday started to have a little powwow about next year, and we got to toss ideas around.  We really could tell they wanted this show to be great for everyone.

-The location was great.  It was pretty much the first building when you got off the interstate.  Easy to find, and right in a central location.  The building also had other galleries and shops in it.

-The show hours weren't the greatest, but that was something that was discussed for next year.

-The space we were in had bad lighting.  If we had known, we would have brought some clip on lights for our display.  A lot of people had brought lights with them, and half of the room had glass windows, so it was really only bad for the people right around us.

-The spaces were really tight.  We were smushed right up to the people beside and behind us.  Again, this was only an issue for half the people there, as the other half were against walls.

Overall, a great show that we fully intend to go back to.  It seems that all of the cons we found were issues already being addressed by the staff for next year, so we expect it to only get better!

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